Before praying, ask for the grace to pray with the heart. There are many graces that come from prayer with the heart.
- While holding the crucifix make the Sign of the Cross, and then recite the Apostles Creed.
- Recite the Our Father on the first large bead.
- Recite a Hail Mary for an increase of faith, hope and charity on each of the three small beads.
- Recite the Glory Be to the Father on the next large bead.
- Recall the first Rosary Mystery and recite the Our Father on the large bead.
- On each of the adjacent ten small beads (also referred to as a decade) recite a Hail Mary while reflecting on the mystery.
- On the next large bead, recite the Glory Be to the Father.
- Each succeeding decade is prayed in a similar manner by recalling the appropriate mystery, reciting the Our Father, ten Hail Marys while reflecting on the mystery, and the Glory Be to the Father.
- When the fifth mystery is completed, the Rosary is Customarily concluded with the Hail Holy Queen, and the Sign of the Cross.
- Traditionally, the Joyful Mysteries are recited on Mondays and Saturdays; the Sorrowful Mysteries are recited on Tuesdays and Fridays; the Glorious Mysteries are recited on Wednesdays and Sundays, and the Luminous Mysteries are recited on Thursdays.
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