The Holyland Military Rosary has teamed up with the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart, who manages Project FIAT (Faith in Action Together), in El Salvador.
We are excited to announce a new arm of our Rosary Mission. Our charitable funds will also go to purchase Rosary supplies and also make a donation to less fortunate people in El Salvador to assemble Rosaries for HLMR.
We continue to purchase the olive wood Crucifixes made by the 50 families of “Little Bethlehem”. This helps support their livelihoods and is very much appreciated.
Thank You for your continued support and interest in our mission of spreading devotion to the Holy Rosary.

Above is a picture of my Dad, as this Rosary Ministry is dedicated first to the glory of Our Lord,
and then for my Dad and his dedication to our family. This WWII photo is just before his
company, the 345th Infantry Regiment, the “Golden Acorn Division” fought at the ‘Battle of the
Bulge’ starting Dec, 1944. Over 19,000 Americans were killed in the ‘Battle of the Bulge’. My
Dad reported that out of his patrol of 48 men, only 6 survived. My Dad himself was shot in the
shoulder, but was then taken to a Hospital in Belgium—which likely saved his life.
Meet Ghasshan, our source of olive wood materials
Little Bethlehem Christian Group – Unique Olive Wood Art from the Holy Land (
We purchase our olive wood crucifixes for the rosaries and ornaments for Christmas time from ‘Little Bethlehem’. Al Sahouri Ghassan was born in Bethlehem in the Holy Land, and then moved to the
State of Maryland. He is our contact –cell number is (240) 527-1811 for all our olivewood
Crucifixes made in Bethlehem, plus he has what may be your next Christmas gift for family’s
members. My two favorites are a larger olive-wood Cross and an olive-wood Crèche with music
that is affordable and directly supports the ‘Little Bethlehem’ families. Please support Ghassan and his mission to help keep the Christian, Catholic families in the Holy Land.
The Decade Rosary—see pic below—whose full title is the Holy Land Decade Rosary is based on our five- decade Military Rosary and also has an olive wood Crucifix made in Bethlehem. We are making these available to grade-schoolers as our Holy Land Children’s Rosary and for anyone interested in having a ‘Finger Rosary’. These may be made in assorted colors. We are encouraging families to pray the family rosary together, considering a regular time for this, perhaps right after supper.
Part of our enthusiasm is the real need to help the Catholic families in the Holy Land. Our Holy Land contact, Al Sahouri Ghassan recently told me that the Catholic families in the Holy Land are ‘nearly destitute’ because of the loss of the Pilgrimage tours which is normally 80% of their work and income. Place any orders with Fr Bill Kneemiller, at , cell (563)321-0124. All checks are to be made out to “Holy Land Military Rosary, Inc.”c/o Fr Kneemiller, 601 E. 10th Street, Muscatine, IA 52761; and all donations to the Military Rosary project are tax deductible. We are a 501(c)3 Org, and have also recently been accepted into the National Catholic Directory of Charites, also known as the Kennedy Directory.
Assorted Decade Rosaries

Dear Donor:
Hello from Rev Bill Kneemiller, and this is an acknowledgement and thank-you for your donation given to the Holy Land Military Rosary, Inc. We are a tax-exempt 501-3-C org, and if needed, our EIN number is 47-3741512. Please note my new address, at the bottom. This last year was a good one for the Holy Land Military Rosary, as Bishop Zincula helped us to get accepted into the National OCD, The Official Catholic Directory, also known as the Kennedy Directory.
I am happy to report that in the past few years we have been donating 500 to 1,000 Olive-wood Crucifix Rosaries a month to Military Chaplains, via our contact with the Augustine Institute. Our Charitable funds go to purchase Rosaries supplies, and the key purchase is the Olive-wood Crucifix made by the 50 families of ‘Little Bethlehem’, who make the Crucifixes. The families of ‘Little Bethlehem very much appreciate the support we give them, as it is a real trial to be a Christian in the Palestine area of Bethlehem.
However, the good news is, after we purchase our Rosary beads and parachute cord, then the rest of our donation goes directly to ‘Little Bethlehem’. In other words, there’s no overhead costs as we are able to send help directly to the Bethlehem families.
—Have a Blessed Day!
My motto: Carry a little piece of the Holy Land with you!
Fr Bill Kneemiller,
Director; Holy Land Military Rosary, Inc.
New address! 601 E. 10th Street, Muscatine, IA 52761
(563) 321-0124
1901 (c)
PS–Last year we donated over 10,000 five-decade Rosaries to Military Chaplains via the Augustine Institute!